Suspension:Stephen Hendry has been suspended definitely his not playing for major uk snooker see more..
Stephen Hendry and Shaun Murphy call for major snooker rule change at UK Championship
Snooker icons Stephen Hendry and Shaun Murphy have called for the fundamental rules of the game to be changed at the UK Championship. They have bemoaned the amount of “dead time” taking place during tournament matches and have provided a solution that they believe will benefit the sport
On punditry duties for the BBC during this week’s tournament at the Barbican in York, Hendry brought up the idea of matches coming to an end once snookers were required by the trailing opponent. In snooker, if a player needs more points than available on the table then they can attempt to snooker their opponent in order to force them into a foul for some bonus points.
This occurs fairly often during high-profile matches and often ends with the player requiring snookers unable to get them, with the result going to their opponent who already had the sufficient lead. Murphy and Hendry have criticised the amount of time during matches this takes and called for an alteration to the rules to end games when they get to the stage where snookers are required.
Hendry explained his desire to witness a tournament played that would see each match end once snookers were required. Furthering his point, Murphy said: “I tweeted that last week and got widely abused for it. But I think I am onto something, I mean the frame is over! Let’s rack them up and let’s go.”