Matthew Stafford is a proud warrior — and it explains his response after loss to Lions | Letters
A moment to pay tribute to the Los Angeles Rams’ quarterback. His somewhat terse response after the loss to the Lions has caused some to criticize him. (“Matthew Stafford’s postgame pettiness proves he had a one-sided love affair with Detroit,” Detroit Free Press, Jan. 15.)
His story is compelling. Remember, he played 12 years with Detroit and now three with Los Angeles. His body has taken one hell of a beating. I’ve never seen a QB as dedicated. I’ve never seen one with his courage. I’ve never seen one operate at such a high level while taking the beating he has. His durability and heart are unmatched. Nothing keeps him down. I think his pride led him to respond the way he did. He is not mean spirited, but he is a proud warrior. Stay that way, Matthew.
Let’s get it straight about possums
The opossum is not a misunderstood critter. The diseases they carry harm a great deal of animals and people: leptospirosis tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis coccidious, trichomonasis and Chana’s diseases. They are usually infested with fleas, ticks, mites and lice. They also may carry rabies, and under no circumstances should a human touch one without protective equipment.